Monday, January 14, 2013

Just Say NO to VEGAS PPAI...Here's Why!

Why we don’t Show at VEGAS PPAI.

Firstly…I love trade shows….they are fun, get me out of the office, meet and greet people, have a few wobbly pops, eat too much and sleep in a different bed….BUT

In this day and age it makes no sense as a supplier to do the shows…here’s why!
1  1)     Even a modest trade show booth, say 10’ by 20’ costs around $20,000….and that’s doing it on the cheap!
   2) Consider, 4k for space, 4 k for the booth, 2-4k for the Teamsters to rent you a garbage can and plug in some lights, 2-3k for rooms, flights and meals….and quite quickly you are near or over 20k!

    3)    Very rarely do sales take place at the show……so the 20k spent has a very hard time being justified in returns of a cost that makes a verifiable return.

4 4) Yes, each time I have done Vegas I came away with 700 “leads/scans”…the problem…the vast majority of these “leads/scans” can’t remember they met you let alone by the time they get back from the week away, does the distributor have the time to “talk” as they have a week’s absence to catch up on!

    5)     So…If a supplier spends 20k (OR MORE!) the only way to recoup that cost is to add it to the bottom line and INCREASE THEIR PRODUCT COST!

In the beginning (back before the internet!...yes I do remember that far back ! )…the main purpose of the shows held early in the year was to release your new catalog and set prices for the year….well now all catalogs are basically on line and prices on almost everything change throughout the year…plus who wants to lug around catalogs anyways……!

So in conclusion……we love trade shows…love to attend them, love to meet you and love the vibe….BUT….it comes at a significant cost and a cost that means we have to add to the cost of goods…(BTW..not just us, but EVERY SUPPLIER has to do this)……
So…Have fun in Vegas this week…..but if you need us, we’ll be at our desks, keeping costs down, answering phones and doing what we do best….

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